
Can you say Turks and Caicos Islands? Seriously, I really want a vacation.

Okay, here is my selfish post. I am missing out on some career opportunities. We spent our 7th wedding anniversary in the hospital. We canceled our big summer vacation (the one we've been looking forward to since we got home from Tahoe last summer).

Between Mollie and Lucy, I'm getting up 3-4 times a night (between midnight and 7 a.m.) and I' am tired. I'm tired of not having any sleep, I'm tired of the heat and humidity, I'm tired of looking at our dirty carpet, I'm tired of Noggin, I'm tired of spending so much time in our house, I'm tired of bad moods.

I would like to be instantly transported to the beach for a few days. With Matt and a certified massage therapist.

Whine over.


  1. Poor thing..but that wasn't such a bad whine.

    You should get out and knit with me tomorrow! Come on! It's not a real vacation but it is fun!

  2. Sending you warm, fuzzy, happy thoughts & hope you feel better soon!:-)

  3. I would love to watch the kids for the day. Please bring them to Seattle. :) Seriously, you are entitled to a whine every now and again. I hope you do get to take a break soon.

  4. Now Sarah,

    Happy 7th anniversary!!

    That was not a whine--just a minor wimper, while trying to catch your breath. You need some lessons in real whining!

    Your life has just gone belly up with no advance planning and with little preparation for what lies ahead. This, for the time being is definitely a different career path from the one you thought you were on.

    I am sending love and hugs, a glass of white wine, and a long cool shower (now an impossible luxury in the Bay Area!).

    Is there any sort of group or blog for caretaker parents of young children.

  5. whine away. you have much more patience than i.

  6. If I lived closer Jacob and I would come over tonight and take care of the kids so you and Matt could go to dinner and a movie. Or a massage. Or to Turks and Caicos. Hang in there.


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