
How Mollie REALLY Feels About Steroids

Mollie slipped this note under the door this morning while I was in the shower:

I think the note is pretty self-explanatory, but according to Mollie, the note said, "Dear Mama, I am not having any FUN. I am doing bored! From, Mollie."


Clinic Update

Mollie's chemo and LP went very well today. These clinic days involve a lot of waiting- either in the clinic or in the OR waiting room. Mollie didn't get in for her procedure until around 2, but she played happily in the waiting room most of the time. I was expecting a lot of whining, but she only mentioned being hungry/bored/tired a handful of times.

Her ANC is low @640 (neutropenic is anything < 1000) so she has to come back in two weeks for counts. Her protocol keeps her on 100% chemo dose since this is the first time she has had low counts. If they remain low, they will cut the dose back to 50% or hold chemo until her counts come back up.

She's doing great tonight- she was tumbling around with Lucy and spinning in circles in the store!


On the horizon

Mollie has clinic tomorrow- a spinal tap and chemo. She said she's kind of looking forward to it because she gets to have the funny medicine (Versed) and she gets to pick out a toy.

I'm not looking forward to it at all. Really, who looks forward to their child getting methotrexate, a potent toxin, injected directly into their brain and central nervous system?

She will be NPO starting at midnight tonight, so no food or drink until after the surgery, which usually ends up being around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Recently our friend Zachary had a leak after his spinal and had horrible headaches and nausea until they gave him a blood patch. So now I'm worried about that too.

I will be glad when the spinal and the 5 days of steoids that follow are over.

My mom is here visiting (yay!) so at least we won't have to bring Lucy to clinic. I know my mom will help distract Mollie from the awful steroids, too.