
Clinic Update

We have been so busy enjoying the unseasonably warm weather, I forgot to update the blog after Mollie's clinic appointment last week!  But the wind is blowing cooler weather in tonight...

Mollie had her first off-treatment echocardiogram (cardiac ultrasound).  She was a little put-off by having to lay down in the hospital bed (reminiscent of the ER), but once the tech put Lady and the Tramp on the TV and turned down the lights, she was fine. The cardiologist did not find any problems and said everything looked great!

After that, we went upstairs for her regular clinic appointment with Dr. J.  He said she is looking great, good color, etc.  We talked a lot about nutrition: foods she should be eating (fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, calcium-rich foods) and foods she should avoid because of small links to cancer (anything processed, charred foods).  No surprises there, but it was nice that a doctor actually brought the issue up!

The bad part of the appointment was the blood draw.  Mollie wasn't prepared to have a stick in her arm (as opposed to the usual finger stick), but the order was for 2 tubes of blood and they can't get that much from a finger.  It was pretty awful.  She was very upset and tense; and then the nurse could not get any blood.  They had to stick her other arm and even that was if-y.  Mollie always wants to watch what is going on, but in this case it worked against her.  Once we got her to close her eyes, she relaxed a little and the blood came flowing.  After all the drama,  I didn't get the complete results of her CBC! But I did call and find out her ANC was 2400. 

In other news, we are all ready for winter to be over, but the hot summer temps can hold off indefinitely.  Infinite spring.  That would be perfect.

We have been busy taking advantage of the good weather in our local parks, including going to a "fairy house" festival.  It was perfect outdoor fairy frolicking for Mollie and Lucy.

They dressed as fairies, went on a whimsical scavenger hunt, and built a little fairy house in the woods.

Hope you're having a good week!