Mollie's LP went smoothly yesterday! It was a long day- we didn't leave the hospital until 3 PM and didn't get home until 5 because we went out for pizza. Mollie was so great- she hardly complained at all (remember, she was fasting all that time) and was sweet as could be when she woke up from the procedure. According to her treatment protocol, this was her last LP (for IT methotrexate). She also got IV vincristine. This starts her last 84-day 'round' of chemo (I feel so ambivalent about this).
Her counts remained high (ANC = 2400); because they have been above 2000 for 3 months in a row, she will now take an increased chemo dose (125%) and go back in two weeks to have counts checked. I will feel much more at ease if we see the counts dipping in two weeks. The steroid dose went up too and we can really tell. It seems like just a few minutes after her first dose her brain was going a mile a minute! She is napping right now, but when she's awake we have to keep her busy or she gets really grumpy.
We saw Zackary in clinic- he had Mollie running around and playing Candyland, a great distraction for her! It was great to see Carrie- now that Zackary is done with treatment, we don't see them as often. Sadly, we also saw another family in clinic that had just found out their son had relapsed with neuroblastoma after 18 months with no evidence of disease. We really feel for them and pray for Gabe's full recovery.