Lucy is 2 years old today! Time sure flies- she was just an infant when Mollie was diagnosed with leukemia and now she is a happy, healthy kid and a big sister! She is full of energy and very entertaining. She is Mollie's constant companion and protégé. She loves to play with balls and go to the park, but she also likes to color with Mollie and play baby dolls. M&Ms ('bites') are her weakness.
We celebrated her birthday last weekend with my parents and Michelle and Isabella. Lucy adores Bella and she was so tickled at her birthday party. When we all sang happy birthday her eyes lit up and she had a huge smile; then she truly enjoyed opening her presents- she oohed and aahed at each one, even the clothes! I think that was the happiest I've ever seen her!
Happy Birthday Sweet Lucy!
And since this is Mollie's blog, the update is she has a cough with no fever. We're glad it's Friday so she can get some R & R over the weekend and hopefully fight off this bug.