

I haven't figured out what kind of blog this will be. I want it to be an outlet for me (and Matt if he decides to contribute) and a way to keep our family and friends updated on Mollie's progress. And I want to document this whole process as we go through it.

I just got finished painting Mollie's toenails (she didn't want to take off her band-aids to have her finger nails painted) and she's waiting for the nurse to come remover her I.V. so she can go for a wagon ride.

My feelings? I'm tired- trying to pump milk for Lucy, keep Mollie in good spirits, and come to terms with being a parent of a child with cancer is taxing. I have lots of sadness and worries that I am not indulging at the moment. I am thinking about the practical things right now- we need a new crib for Lucy and I think a double stroller might be a good thing. Our house is a mess and I just started a big "reorganizing" project before I got sick (before Mollie was diagnosed). My career is pretty much over (for the time being) and I'm trying to come to terms with that as well. I am going to continue to teach college biology classes at night and do occasional manuscript editing. I enjoy both of these activities immensely and it will help bring in a little extra money.

(I will post some pictures as soon as I figure out how to upload them from our small camera onto my Mac.)


  1. S, this is where you call on friends. would you like me to do some double stroller research for you or share what i have learned? and i can certainly be an ear on the "career is over for now" end of things, even if our reasons are different. call if and when you need to. and it is okay to give lucy some formula. really. i can't remember if you were trying not to or not, but for some mammas, that is a guilt related thing and it shouldn't be for you.

  2. Ask NEA about F and formula! ;>) if you are worried about providing all breast milk (this is said with a smile).

    This blog is a wonderful idea!

    For now, S, just take things one hour at a time. Your whole world has been turned upside down with not the least little bit of warning. You are strong and clearly, so is Matt, and now you have to be patient with yourselves. I read a blog ahead so this is partly in response to that one too. You are very special and much loved. Do call on your friends--it is a gift to them to let them help you.


Comments are always welcome!