
Back to the ER

Mollie came home from school with a slight fever... and it went up. So, we are back in the ER waiting to see a doctor. I will update when we know anything. Please send positive thoughts/prayers that her counts are okay and we don't have to stay!

Update #1: We are still waiting on counts, but the doc says it looks like she will be admitted. Mollie is really, really bummed out. She keeps asking how much school she will have to miss and making up little songs about how the doctors are good but she doesn't like coming here. I'm worried about my sweet little girl.

Update #2: It looks like she has a UTI and will definitely be getting admitted. She is sleeping on a cot in triage right now and waiting to be transferred upstairs. She already got a dose of cefepime (antibiotic). Hopefully that will start working right away. It's kind of lonely here and I'm not looking forward to sleeping on the uncomfortable couch in the hospital room. But, maybe we've finally gotten the answer to what's been making Mollie feel so puny (as nurse Kate would say) for the last week or so.

Update #3: We are now "settled" in to the room. Mollie's ANC is very low (I still don't have a number, but her white count is 400 and the ANC is only a fraction of that). The medical team is pretty sure this is a urinary tract infection and are treating it as such for the moment. They are doing blood and urine cultures so we might know something more tomorrow. They will not release her until she has been fever-free for 24 hours and her ANC is trending up. At the minimum. My guess is that they will hold her chemo so that her counts start to rebound. Cefepime, do your stuff!!

Thoughts from me at 3 AM: Man, this sucks! Matt was supposed to go out of town this weekend to run his first marathon, and it looks like Mollie is going to be in here for at least a few days. Plus, with the "flu policy," we aren't going to be able to bring Lucy to the hospital. That bites on so many levels. It is going to be extremely hard logistically, because we don't have anyone else to care for Lucy. And even worse, Mollie and Lucy are going to miss each other!


  1. oh, sarah. huge huge hugs. and you must be feeling tired and uncomfortable. soooo basic compared to your dealings, but does it help to know i am posting in between running back and forth changing sheets while lala pukes?
    hugs. hope you get a little bit of rest and mollie improves from this point.

  2. Ah Sarah, I just want to do whatever I can and I know I am significantly handicapped as far as getting things done, but I REALLY want to do whatever it takes to help! God bless you and Matt and the family. I could be back there in a day and stay in a motel and perhaps do something to help. Please let me know.
    Love you guys,

  3. Oh man, that totally sucks. Any ideas how many days they might keep her in? I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and hope that this is this sicky kicked in the butt. Wish there was something more I could do other than send my good thoughts (which are broadcasting brightly in your direction) and wish I could take Lucy for you, she seems like a bundle of fun to be around!



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