
I can't thank our friends and family enough for the stroller! We took it out for its maiden voyage today and it's perfect. It touches us that so many people care about Mollie and our family!

Mollie was in a much better mood today so we did some crafts and artwork.

Now she's got a slight fever and a cough so we may go into the hospital tomorrow if it doesn't clear up by morning.

Package update:
The Shannons

Arn and Catherine

Zack, Zoe and Sophie

Marian Warmerdam

Pammy (bubble blower)


  1. oh, yay! love that smiles! and i just gotta say it...love love love lucy's baby chub. she and finn were visited by the same chub fairy.

  2. I have the same stroller for my twins. It's been wonderful.


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