
Hospital: Day #12

Yesterday was tough emotionally because, although we are very thankful for this hospital, we can't wait to leave. Mollie BORED. It's like being in jail- she can't leave the room and her friends can't come visit. Trying to keep her spirits up is the hardest thing right now. It bites that we missed Halloween. We haven't been together as a family in almost two weeks. Lucy doesn't know what is going on and really misses Mollie.

To add insult to injury, her hair is starting to fall out in big clumps- probably from her last treatment with vincristine. It is not unusual for kids to have some hair loss in LTM, particularly after a year in treatment. Most of the time it is just a general thinning, but occasionally they go totally bald. With the amount of hair that Mollie is losing, I'm worried it's the latter, but I know we can deal with it.

The important thing is that she's still kickin' butt! Her WBC is 6300 today (ANC not in, but probably around 3000) and her lungs are starting to sound better. No fevers in 2 days. She's very weak from all the medications and just being in here so long, and her appetite is totally gone (although she's been munching on some Halloween candy). But, we just found out she is no longer on isolation! She still can't have children under 18 as visitors (hospital-wide policy), but she can finally leave the room!

9 PM Update: Mollie had a good day today- she had a visit from her teacher, Mrs. S, and then went out to the lobby for a visit with Lucy! It was very sweet to see them together after so long apart. They were blowing bubbles and Mollie even attempted to pull Lucy in the wagon while still attached to her IV. Tonight, Mollie wound up with abdominal pain and GI issues. When I left the hospital, she was sleeping but still complaining of pain. Given all the medications and the lack of exercise and poor diet, I'm not surprised she's having digestive tract problems. I think they will back off of some of the medications tomorrow. A good night's sleep would really do her (and all of us) some good, but with breathing treatments every four hours round the clock and continuous IV fluids (and trips to the bathroom), it won't happen. I'm hoping that tonight is relatively restful for Matt and Mollie.


  1. Mollie,

    Bella thinks of you all the time. I am glad you are getting better. We love you and miss you.

    Michelle, Marv, and Isabella

  2. Dear Mollie,

    I hope you get out of the hospital soon. I also miss you. Yesterday I prayed for you to feel better. I feel kind of sad that I cannot see you.


  3. Oh Mollie - it sounds like it won't be long now until you can head home! Keep your chin up, thinking of you and just think about when Lucy sees you again, she's going to go crazy she'll be so happy!

  4. 11/1 12:15pm

    Mollie just took a walk to the nurses' station and back! First time she has left her room in 9 days! The significance of this is lost on her but not on her old man :)

  5. Hooray, Mollie! Can't wait for you to go home!!

  6. We will be looking forward to reading the post that says she gets to go home! Thinking of you all.
    The Malmstrom's

  7. Yay, Mol! Bet you're glad to have that light at the end of the tunnel, and even the jaunt to the nurses' station with a pop who appreciates the significance :)

  8. overall, wonderful news. does she need an update on scarves, hats, etc?

  9. Three cheers to Mollie and even more to her parents who are absolutely fantastic! ...and hugs and kisses to Lucy...

  10. Dear Mollie.

    we do not know ourselves and, nevertheless, I love you.

    You are a strong girl and I point, you create this.

    I come visit you, as soon as I have the opportunity in addition.
    Or do you come to us to Germany?
    To the next big family meeting maybe?
    Here many dear people wait for you.

    my English does not feel well, sorry.

    all dear one and a hearty embrace



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