
Play Time

We just got back from playing at the park with Mollie's new friend, Hannah. Hannah's mom is a cancer survivor who we met through TNT and Mollie and Hannah are going to the same school for kindergarten next year. They got along famously!

Mollie is getting a bit bolder/braver at the playground. I noticed she's been playing on the tire swing at school and tonight she was climbing up the climbing wall. She wouldn't have touched these things a few weeks ago.

Mollie told me that one of her good friends at school asked her if she was pregnant! because her tummy is big. After I choked back my laughter/shock, we talked about how the medicines give her a "turtle belly"- it's worse when she's on steroids, but it has yet to go away completely. It wasn't teasing, but I could tell Mollie felt self- conscious. She said she is a little too shy to tell her teacher if it happens again (and there's only one more week of school left), but she assured me she would talk to Ms. Nancy. Nancy, the school director, is a breast cancer survivor and completely understands some of the things Mollie is going through. She makes Mollie feel very comfortable and she is also a great role model of how to get on with a normal life after cancer. I am hoping kindergarten will go as smoothly...


  1. oh, the additional worries you have. hugs, mollie. thanks for teaching us all to be more sensitive!

  2. I have a turtle belly too and I didn't have to take steroids to get it:-) You guys seem to be doing really well and that makes me super happy. I love Mollie's new hair, so pretty. The quilt is absolutely beautiful, such a great keepsake. We should be back in town on June 5th for counts and vincristine, I hope we can get together then. Enjoy your summer Mollie, kindergarten is going to be so much fun.


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