
Clinic Update

Today was another clinic day. As we got in to the elevator at the hospital, I almost couldn't remember which floor! It has been a nice 4-week break since the last clinic visit. Mollie sailed through today without any whining, tears, or band-aids. Her counts are good (ANC = 2300) so she's still on 100% chemo. She got a lot of attention at the clinic and pharmacy because everyone had seen her picture in the paper.

She also started her 5-day steroid pulse. She made quite a face when I gave her that first dose and she wanted to make sure we had lunch before she got the steroids. I hate that she has to feel crappy for 5 days out of every 28 and I'm praying that this month is a little better than last month.

We had a fun-filled an busy weekend. Friday night we went to the Greenjackets game where all of the Team in Training participants and the honored heroes (Mollie and Ethan) were acknowledged. Mollie had the opportunity to throw out the first pitch, and even practiced at home, but would not go through with it when we got there. She did go out on the field though with the whole group and had fun running around at the game with Isabella.

We planned to camp with our friends in North Carolina over the weekend, but the camping options were very slim (KOA, anybody?) so we opted to pick a different weekend and used some of Matt's hotel points to stay in Savannah instead. Mollie and Lucy enjoyed the hotel room and breakfast buffet. Mollie really liked the pool (turns out Lucy is sort of the anti-swimmer and screamed any time anyone went underwater). We all enjoyed the beach at Tybee and walking around Savannah. Mollie was particulary fond of the pirate store!


  1. Pirates! Argh! I am happy to hear you had a nice time away. I think it's fabulous that Mollie went out on the field at the game. That takes a lot of courage!

  2. Praying that this 5 day pulse goes quickly and without making Mollie sick.

  3. glad she did well and fingers crossed for the next week!


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